about Me.
Dr. Joe Sharps BVetMed CertAVP MRCVS
Highly experienced equine vet who has spent most of his career in the Home Counties working within all aspects of primary care care equine veterinary medicine, from race horses and high level competition horses to beloved pets.
“I believe in putting my patients and clients first. Offering an open and honest service which is Experienced, Caring and Reliable”.
Joe has considerable experience in advanced dentistry, poor- performance, pre-purchase examinations and welfare and legal work.
He is a team player and can fit into your team seamlessly. Due to his business and management experience as well as almost 20 years of equine first opinion practice he is able to take sole charge positions as well as mentor and lead groups of vets, nurses and office staff, if required.
Accomplished Equine Practitioner
Almost 20 years experience in Primary Care Practice
Poor Performance
Lameness Evaluation
Regional Analgesia
Diagnostic Radiography
Diagnostic US
Member BrAVO
Corneal Disease
Minor Surgery
Standing Sedation
Field Anaesthesia
Continuous Infusion
NOT General Anaesthesia
Medical Colic
Upper Airway Disease
Weight Loss
Geriatric Care
Routine Managenent
Timing of Covering/AI
AI: chilled/frozen
Foal Care
Riding School Inspector
OV Equine Exports
Welfare Management
Expert Witness
Periodontal Disease
Wound Closure
Standing Surgery
Routine Managenent
Timing of Covering/AI
AI: chilled/frozen
Foal Care
Locum Fees.
Commission based work considered rather than flat rate fee.
VDS Insurance
4x4 Vehicle
Own Equipment - can cover EMERGENCIES directly from home.
Clinical Skills
- Lameness evaluation and diagnostics
- Regional analgesia/ joint medication distal/ proximal limb
- Equinosis ‘Lameness Locator’ Gait Analysis
- Diagnostic US
- Radiography – limbs/ head, DSPs etc.
- Stem cell therapy (bone marrow aspirate and inhection cultured cells)
- PRP administration )eg. stable side V-PET)
- ECSW therapy
- Laser therapy (MLS class 4 laser – Celtic SMR)
- Endoscopy of upper airway
- Trach. wash/ BAL
Nasogastric intubation
- Trach. wash/ BAL
- Paracentesis abdominis
- Exam per rectum
- Simple thoracic/ abdominal US eg. liver/ lungs/ GI
- Biopsy: liver/ bone marrow/ lung/ skin/ rectal/ endometrial/ muscle
- Collection and interpretation blood/ faecal/ synovial/ urine/ biopsy samples
- ECG: base-apex lead 1
- Cert AVP – all modules completed, awaiting comfirmation of new synoptic exam date
- Full oral examination
- Visualisation with mirror/ intra-oral endoscopy
- Manual float
- Power dentistry (Terafloat/ Dearson 8000i/ HDE)
- Local infiltration analgesia
- Mandibular/ maxillary nerve blocks
- Simple oral extraction techniques (not MTE/ buccotomy)
- Trephination frontal/ maxillary sinus
- Member BrAVO
- Routine exam of eye with ophthalmoscope
- Placement sub-palpebral lavage catheter
- Measurement ocular pressure
- Minor ocular surgery
- Minor lid laceration
- Corneal debridement/ grid keratotomy
- US ovaries and reproductive tract
- Timing for walk in mares/ natural covering
- AI: chilled/ frozen
- Uterine lavage
- Swabs: CEM/ Uterine
- Mare and foal exam post partum
- Casslick
- Insertion foaling alarm
- Castration under standing sedation/ field GA
- Wound closure under field conditions
- Local mass removal by surgical excision
- Castration under standing sedation/ field GA
- Wound closure under field conditions
- Local mass removal by surgical excision
- Complex Welfare Cases
- Initial call out
- Assessment
- Treatment
- Working closely with various charities
- Local Authorities
- Expert Witness
- Pre-purchase examinations
- Sales radiographs
- Local riding school inspector
- OV for equine exports